I know it’s the question on everyone’s mind … will ChestNet Transactions put Judge Judy out of business? After watching the video of the “Pictures for PayPal” scam, I couldn’t help but feel concerned about JJ’s future. I wonder if Judge Judy realizes that that scam that happens on eBay couldn’t happen on www.chest-net.com?
We really like Judge Judy. Honestly, we really do, but what will become of our Constitution Defending Superhero if www.chest-net.com keeps eBay fraudsters from committing fraud?
I think I have a solution. It’s not as glamorous as yelling at an eBay scam artist, but she can at least be part of a team that solves eBay fraud. We can use Judy in our HR department. We’ll even give her the title of “VP of Judicial Officer” aka VipJo. As VipJo, she’ll keep those loose ChestNet Transactions vacation days in line. Call in sick? Better have your doctor show up to vouch for you. Car has a flat? She’ll remind you that cars have four tires.
On second thought, I’m not really sure if JJ will fit in with our corporate culture of “Fight Fraudsters Not Fun” philosophy.
Until next time, safe buying and selling everyone!