Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Moving on up!

ChestNet Transactions is making upgrades to our servers and services and will temporarily be down over the weekend of September 21st to September 23rd. We apologize for the inconvenience but are excited to see the improvements to the site speed.

Buy and Sell Safely!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bonds Ball: You Decide!

How the tables have turned! Us good folks at ChestNet Transactions are die hard sports fans so we followed the auction of Barry Bonds record breaking 756 baseball. In an ironic twist, designer Mark Ecko has purchased Barry Bonds’ 756 home run for $752,467 USD. That’s a lot of jeans!

Marc has now set up a website to determine the balls fate. This is not a joke. As a fan you can vote to:
A) Bestow it and send it as is to Cooperstown.
B) Brand it with an asterick and then send it to Cooperstown.
C) Banish it and put the boll on a rocket ship and launch it into orbit.

The people haven’t had this much power over a fraudster since ChestNet Transactions went online in June of 2006!

You can vote for 756 here: http://www.vote756.com/
Fight Fraud!